Takeshi "Neko" Oyama embodies the spirit of the traditional samurai, combining honor and skill into one formidable package. His presence in the game as a Domaru heavy infantry unit will undoubtedly enhance your JSA Force Reinforcements with both tactical strength and the rich legacy of the Bushido code. The miniature’s design captures his solemn and determined nature, perfect for commanding respect and instilling fear in your opponents.
With his battle-hardened appearance and the intrinsic honor of his character, Oyama is more than just a powerful addition to your forces; he’s a symbol of the disciplined and relentless spirit of the samurai. His scars, each a testament to his experience, speak volumes about his journey without needing words. This model will not only boost your army’s capabilities but also serve as a striking centerpiece that reflects the deep tradition of the bushi way of life.